Mike Kelly’s Style – Architectural photography

Mike Kelly’s Style – Architectural photography

Mike Kelly’s Style

Mike Kelly is brilliant. He is able to make architectural photos look great with 3 items: his camera, a tripod, and a flash. What you do is you light up areas that you want to highlight. You will probably end up with about 20 photos and then you compile them. Below, is exactly that.


Rexburg tabernacle architectural photography - Rachel Horton

HDR to Compare

This is HDR to compare, I don’t think it is quite as realistic.

Rexburg tabernacle architectural photography - Rachel Horton

Rexburg tabernacle architectural photography - Rachel Horton Rexburg tabernacle architectural photography - Rachel Horton Rexburg tabernacle architectural photography - Rachel Horton

Outdoor Architecture

Outdoor Architecture

Outdoor architectural photography is definitely my preference when it comes to architectural photography. It is a lot easier to control the light, and HDR seems to work a lot better with the outdoors.

The first image is of the Rexburg tabernacle. It is one of the most beautiful buildings in town and I loved what I captured.


Outdoor Architecture Rachel Horton

This second image was taken of the old girl’s reformatory in St. Anthony, Idaho.

Outdoor Architecture Rachel Horton

This last one was taken at Scripps Pier in San Diego.

Outdoor Architecture Rachel Horton

Indoor Architecture

Indoor Architecture

Indoor architecture can be tricky sometimes. Just like anything, composition and lighting are something you have to learn to master. The reason indoor can be so complicated is because lighting is limited. For this series I had to take several photos and compile them.

I decided to take pictures of the new Science and Engineering building at BYU-Idaho. One of the most fascinating things about this buildings indoor architecture is it’s lighting. It has a very modern look.


Indoor architecture Rachel Horton Indoor architecture Rachel Horton Indoor architecture Rachel Horton

The Lift – Food Photography

The Lift – Food Photography

Wow! The food at The Lift in Jackson Hole, Wyoming looked and tasted amazing. I had the opportunity to photograph their appetizers and desserts, their main courses, and the environment there. Such a fun spot, highly recommend it. We ha all kinds of auxiliary lighting set up in there.  The images needed hardly any editing because of the combination of the beautiful food and wonderful lighting.

Appetizers and Desserts

The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming

Main Courses

The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming


The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming The Lift Restaurant Jackson Hole Wyoming



This fresh produce was so beautiful, I was so glad that I photographed it. The vibrant colors and intricate details of each piece of produce made beautiful photographs.  For these images I adjusted the levels a little bit, bumped up the contrast, and increased the vibrance. It’s so amazing that all of these things happened naturally.

Fruit Photography Fruit Photography Fruit Photography

Food Photography

Food Photography

Food photography is very similar to product photography because it is in essence a form of product photography. Again, you get to control your object and when you are indoors you are in control of the lighting.

Food photography

This bread was lit naturally, I opened up the door and put it on the floor. When photographing food you really can’t care about contaminating it.

Food photography

This shot was also taken on the floor.

Food photography

This shot was taken on a counter top but if you look at the left side of the cookies you can tell it was naturally lit. I adjusted the levels in this picture.

Food photography

This was too cute to not photograph. Again just a little bit of natural light from the open door and the lights turned on in the house.

Rachel Horton

Rachel Horton Idaho Utah Based Photographer Salt Lake Valley, Provo, Rexburg, Boise

Rachel Horton’s Instagram

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